Ready to blog?
Do you want to create a blog that really makes a difference in the world? It might be tough to find a potential niche, even if your first desire is to help others rather than to realize a profit. This is because you probably know a great deal about a particular field or market. Therein lies the problem. You have such a wealth of knowledge, you don't know what to focus on.
If you are truly passionate about a particular niche or microniche in a larger market, you can focus on that which you really love. However, "passion marketing" is not the only way to select your laser-targeted marketplace. The following methods can help you find a potentially profitable niche where you can impact the world in a positive way.
1 – Let Google Help
Type "weight loss for" into the Google search engine, and don't hit enter. You will see that Google gives you some examples of popular searches. "Weight loss for women", "weight loss for teens" and "weight loss for beginners" are just a few niche markets Google suggests based on search phrases large quantities of web surfers are conducting. Google a word or two of any market, topic or phrase, and let Google help you select a sub-niche.
2 - Take A Sneak Peak at Amazon
Head over to Amazon's Books section. Type in a broad marketing term. Then click on any book that strikes your interest. You will see a button that says "Look Inside!" Click on that and the chapters of the book are revealed, showing you potential sub-niches inside the larger market.
3 - Use Wikipedia
Wikipedia should never be used as your only source for information. That is because it is a user-driven source of knowledge. However, you can pull up some really great niche market ideas there. Go to and enter any word or phrase into the search bar, again without hitting enter. The auto-complete feature will show you several niches based on that word or phrase.
4 - Go Forum Lurking
Type "___ forums" into Google or your favorite search engine, where the "___" is filled with a market or topic. If you search for "knitting forums", you receive a list of forums where knitting is the focus. In each forum subsections of that particular larger market are listed and explored.