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5 Habits That Will Improve Your Life

You probably have some bad habits. There are those habitual behaviors which are also extremely positive in nature. Accordingly, there are probably some areas in your life where you would like to see better results. Since 21st century research shows that as much as 45% of human behavior is habitual, it makes sense to establish as many good habits in your life as possible.

Here are 5 simple habits which can lead to improvements and achievement in several areas of your life.

1 – Start Your Day Earlier

Significant research shows the benefits of rising early. Your brain and body become healthier and stronger, goal achievement and productivity are enhanced, and career success is more likely. Get to bed earlier, get plenty of rest, and start your day earlier for better life results, both physical and mental.

2 – Drink More Water

While the old "8 glasses of 8 ounces of water" tradition has not been proven beneficial, one thing is certain. Many people these days do not get enough water into their bodies. This means eating more water-filled food, and drinking water throughout the day. Just listen to your body. When you are thirsty, drink some water.

3 – Establish an Exercise Routine, and Stick to It

Exercising just 3 days a week, for 20 to 30 minutes, can have life-changing results. Exercise has been linked to mental and physical health and well-being. If this means simply taking a walk or a jog, get up and get moving, and do it regularly.

4 – Start Cooking Your Own Meals

In the 21st century there is research that shows how fit you are mentally and physically is directly related to the types of food you eat. This means less restaurant and "to go" foods, and preparing healthier meals at home. Since as much as 60% to 70% of your health and well-being is tied to nutrition, start cooking more of your own meals, and eat out less often.

5 – Establish Keystone Habits

Some habits can have a much greater impact than others. They seem innocent enough, but can lead to powerful transformations in ways you may not realize. Making your bed each morning doesn't seem like much of a big deal. However, research shows this simple behavior gets your entire day started in a more productive manner. The same thing happens when you establish exercise, good nutrition or any other simple, daily action as a habit that becomes the key to bigger and better achievements.

~ Karen

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